- Yhteensä 0 EURO
Isbjörn of Swedeniltä löytyy laaja valikoima ulkoiluvaatteita lapselle ja juniorille. Vaikka meillä ei ole kaikki vaatteet, värit ja koot omassa varastossamme, pystymme lähettää toivomasi vaatetta vain muutamassa päivässä kuitenkin. Otathan meille yhteyttä, niin annamme sinulle hintatiedot, joko chatin tai Facebookin kautta!
- Buy smart with a longterm perspective. We truly offer sustainability in thatperspective that one garment can be inherited and used again and again. That way the initial cost is not so high by the end of the day.
- The safety of your child is important to all parents. We all want the best for our children. By buying garments without hazardous chemicals and with recycled materials, you do not only make a good choice for the planet, but also for the health of your child.
- The comfort for your child being outdoors is important. Cheaper versions of garments offer no ventilation, which is key to comfortable outdoor garments. Waterproofness is the easy part. By using ISBJÖRN, you as a parent can always be secure about your child being dry and perfectly balanced in temperature. This also gives your child a positive feeling about being outdoors.